
Our expertise is linking two critical functions of your business together so that they operate as one and not independently from each other.

Business Development Improvement Programs

The process of finding a new opportunity, to starting a conversation and then closing the sale differs for different businesses, and there are different complexities along the way. Our initial focus is to listen to you and your team to understand how your buyers buy and identify the key steps that make all the difference.

We then incorporate those insights into a sales process using a framework we’ve developed and refined over the past 20+ years. We take your business’ positioning into account, make the process practical, develop it where necessary and add in some best practice sales strategies.

With a clear sales process in place, we look at what you do well, where you can improve, how to better manage and develop your team, if any recruitment needs to take place and how to align your marketing to your business development efforts.

        Once complete, you’ll have a powerful business tool that will help you:

  • Assist your managers to better manage the people handling the process.
  • Understand what various employees should be doing at different phases of the sales process.
  • Uncover where improvements can be made and what learning gaps may exist.
  • Get new employees up-to-speed faster.

Marketing Improvement Programs

The intent of good business-to-business marketing is to consistently communicate who you are and the value you provide to your target audiences via the channels that they use. Importantly, it must align to and support your business development efforts.

To do this well, you need an appropriately resourced marketing function to ensure your activities are well planned, creatively executed, consistently delivered over time and reviewed regularly. 

We’ve been collaborating with experienced, smart marketers since our inception and have built up an extensive network of people to help you with these critical functions. 

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Clients we work with

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